3DMD Subaru Centre Vent Gauge Holder
3DMD Subaru Centre Vent Gauge Holder Insert.
This product was originally created for a customer but the design is just so awesome that it's now available for anyone to purchace!
The 3DMD Subaru centre vent gauge holder is a 3D modelled and printed solution for those of you who want to run guages in your Subaru's, but also want to keep the stock dash lid. The aftermarket guage pod available at the moment replaces the facotry dash lid, which not everyone wants.
As you can see from several of the product images, you can run the 3DMD vgh and also have an aftermarket guage pod on top, enabling you to run 6 guages total.
You can do all of this whilst retaining the airflow from the centre vent, complimentary of the design.
This item has been custom modelled using Autodesk Maya.
3D printed on a Creality Ender using PETG+ filament, ensuring peak longevity.